Hello world!

I’ve recently learnt that a lot of what I have been including in the Main Street Revelations’ Newsletter would better suit a blog format.  I love the idea that you can choose to communicate with me and other lovers of Main Street Revelations in this medium.

Today it is rather cold, wet and windy here in Foster.  So far, I have had exactly 9 people through the door and every single person has made a purchase.  This is not common.  Our tagline after all is, ‘Browsers Always Welcome’.  Half of my customers today have been tourists who just pull on the appropriate gear and get on with it! They were delighted to find less touristy gifts to take home with them.  I’ve had a couple of locals who raced in, grabbed what they needed and left again!  What’s been obvious though is that everyone today has been focused.  They’ve come in for a purpose intent on achieving success.  This makes my day rather easy!

One lady I chatted with had come across from Yarram to visit the dentist, she’d not visited my shop before.  She’d been attracted to the scarves on sale she’d spotted from outside and once inside discovered there was lots to love.  Her comment is one I hear a lot, “You have so many beautiful things in here”.  I’m pretty boring I realise as I tend to say pretty much the same thing in response…

I love beautiful things.

Beautiful things attract beautiful people.

Does that sound trite?  I hope not, because I see it all the time.  It’s a universal law too isn’t it?  Like attracts Like.

A gift for me I can share with you...

A gift for me I can share with you

I’ve added a picture of a Peony Rose that was brought in to me on Saturday by one of our regular customers.  She handed it to me saying, “I just thought you’d like this.”  She thought so very, very right!  Such a stunning bloom.  She hastened to apologise for it though, telling me peonies don’t smell very nice.  Naturally I brought it straight to my nose expecting something offensive, thankfully perhaps all she meant was it didn’t smell as beautiful as it looks?

There was so much thought and care in this gesture.  With the bloom were a couple of extra stems of leaves and they were all wrapped up in a wad of wet newspaper surrounded with a piece of reused plastic.  Three days later and the joy I continue to feel each time I notice it seems to expand rather than lessen as you might expect.

Just like the way the positive interactions I have with the many people I meet here, linger and hang around me, no doubt providing me with the extra energy to offer back to the next person who comes through the doors.

This morning something rather special came into my news feed on Facebook and I’d like to share it here too as I suspect you’ll also like it.  Especially if you can feel overwhlemed by the negatives in our world.   https://www.facebook.com/in10se/videos/1355038390654/?pnref=story

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Looking forward to hearing from you,
